One of the ways Aultman leads the community to improved health is by maintaining accreditation by these entities. Aultman meets compliance by striving to provide excellent care that is driven by evidence-based practice.
Aultman is required to meet conditions set by CMS to receive reimbursement for Medicare and Medicaid.
Certification of hospital compliance with the CoP is accomplished through observations, interviews, and document/record reviews. The survey process focuses on a hospital’s performance of patient-focused and organizational functions and processes. The unannounced hospital survey is the means used to assess compliance with Federal health, safety, and quality standards that will assure that the beneficiary receives safe, quality care and services.
Ohio Department of Health assures quality in health care facilities, health care services, and environmental health through smart regulation to protect the health and safety of Ohioans (Office of Health Assurance and Licensing). This regulation is done by unscheduled and scheduled surveys of hospitals.
ACHC Accreditation is independent third-party validation, through a comprehensive survey process, that a healthcare organization’s policies, processes, and care delivery meet recognized standards for quality and safety. ACHC will conduct announced and unannounced surveys to ensure hospitals are meeting standards of care set by CMS.